Reviewers will be asked to fill in a questionnaire prepared by the editorial board to provide better feedback to both the authors and the editorial board.
Aim for detailed reviews, based on facts. Ask for specific experiments, and refer to specific related work. Use professional language. Report diversity and inclusion issues with regards to examples and writing.
Novelty is not just a radically new solution, but can also be found in new problems, implementations, and evaluations.
Negativity can come in many forms: Comments on simplicity of solution, short reviews based on personal or non-technical opinions, referring to a “quality bar,” rejecting a paper due to lack of time to make revisions, and impolite language. Aim to be positive and constructive (see above).
The JDS process depends on reviewers acting in a timely manner during Review Quality Week and Discussion Phase.
These instructions are adapted from ACM SIGMOD with contributions by Stratos Idreos and Divesh Srivastava, Arun Kumar and Avrilia Floratou, Sam Madden, Alexandra Meliou and Tim Kraska