Paper Template

Submission and camera-ready papers should follow the JDS paper template. JDS uses double-blind reviewing, to promote fairness, diversity, and inclusion. Authors must not put their names in their submissions and should make a reasonable effort to anonymize the paper and any additional resources they provide (code/data) accordingly. Papers that violate double-blind practices will not be reviewed.

Submissions to JDS should include two files: the paper manuscript, and a cover page, each formatted using the JDS template, which is a minor modification of the standard ACM template acmart.cls. The paper manuscript should be no more than 25 pages (including citations) in the single-column format of the style file. An appendix is allowed for up to 15 pages and should be included right after the main paper in the same PDF. The purpose of the cover page is to give a concise statement of paper's results and significance. If accepted, the final version of the cover page must include reproducibility details.

1. The cover page describes the contributions and potential impact of the work.

The cover page should be written in the third person, in non-expert language that is accessible to the diverse communities of JDS. Limited to a single page, the format includes short sections that state the problem addressed, methods used, results obtained, and significance. Once a paper is accepted the authors receive feedback on the cover page for the final published version.

2. Reproducibility details

The published version of the cover page should include links to publicly accessible repositories for the data and code used in the paper. If this information can be provided anonymously, it may be included at submission time.